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Welcome to
"Female Leadership in Mobility: Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders"

Our mission is to shape the next generation of female leaders in mobility, and to equip them with the tools necessary to define the industry of the future

Cohort 1

Module 1

Growing Personally

Week 1

Session 1.1
A Real Life Executive Perspective
Speakers: Angelika Berger-Sodian, Lauren Burton

Session 1.2
A Real Life Executive Perspective
Speaker: Sandra Dax

Week 2

Session 2.1
A Leadership Advisory Perspective
Speaker: Tanja Svjetlanovic

Session 2.2
An Executive HR Perspective
Speaker: Maren Graef

Module 2

Building and Leading Future Ready Mobility Businesses

Week 3

Session 1.1
The Case of Established Corporates
Speaker: Ruth Heuss

Session 1.2
The Case of Established Corporates
Speaker: Eman Martin-Vignerte

Week 4

Session 2.1
The Case of E-Mobility Start-Ups
Speaker: Angelika Berger-Sodian

Session 2.2
A Software-Defined Mobility Perspective
Speaker: Fedra Ribeiro

Module 3

Shaping The Future Of Mobility

Week 5

Session 1.1
Challenges & Opportunities That Will Define Tomorrow's Leadership Choices
Speakers: Julia Saini, Anna Herlt

Week 6

Session 2.1
Building your Own Brand within the Wider Mobility Ecosystem
Speaker: Anita Gupta

Session 2.2

Understanding AI - Implications, Challenges & Opportunities

Speaker: Stefanie Schieber